We need a story
that moves us
The ability to shake off these old structures and set the course for a future that’s in tune with the times – that’s what many of the leaders who come to us for help are seeking.
Did nobody see the change coming?
Well, sure. Problem is, people like to play it safe. We like processes and procedures we can do in our sleep. But this all-too-human quality is toxic to innovation.
We’ve all missed the change into the new era more than once. If it wasn’t clear before, the pandemic laid the focus on the fact that the digital world is not a joyride; it’s where we will all inevitably end up sooner or later. Yet, since many people in companies grew up with and had their work routines shaped by the old-world processes, it takes a sensitive approach to pave the way for the new market’s requirements.
Is there an easier way?
Many companies have been running on parallel tracks: one meant for the outside world, i.e. customers and stakeholders, and a different one for the world inside the company, which the staff, suppliers and partners have seen every day.
But that strategy has reached the end of its line. All the org charts that illustrate the structures with such wonderful clarity, all the high-gloss folders and empty promises in press releases did nothing more than fuel and accelerate the planlessness and chaos over the course of decades.
Today, organisational design is something new. It’s completely different than it was 20 years ago. Areas that were allocated only a tiny fraction of the budget back then are important today. If you’re looking for the express train to the future, it’s the one that has good communication management and a functioning organisational design as its destination. Decision structures, company and process structures, and decision and management processes are key parameters that determine a company’s success. This is precisely where the journey with Trainconsulting starts.

Our starting point
We start by assessing the status quo and we use a deep structural analysis. We shine a light on the patterns in the organisation. The results of this deep structural analysis are usually met with open-mouthed astonishment. That’s because the process exposes areas where there is room for improvement and how things really work in the company.
How do we make that happen?
We fix a point. It’s the point we have decided on together as the essence of your company’s ideal future. Starting from there, we sketch out a story that moves you, your staff and everyone connected with your company. A story people will love to tell.
‘How good is a destination when you don’t know how to get there?’
Together we set things in motion and develop scenarios that help you and all stakeholders to reach these destinations. Remember, people like well-trodden paths and are not particularly flexible. We use what we call ‘learning journeys’ to make it easier for you and your staff to get into the new processes. These are experiences gathered in other organisations. Organisations in which you can see how the new options and processes work in the real world.
Once everyone is on board and the commitment is given, we determine what leadership behaviour is beneficial or obstructive to the staff. We look at potential and resources and we often change structures – sometimes in fundamental ways – that are stumbling blocks. We assess the impacts on a regular basis and adapt so that we can continue to be a strong engine. The result is an overall structure that helps make people’s jobs easier and enables them to work together really well both formally and informally. We call it ‘designing for flow’.